Why Mom & Pop Restaurants Should Embrace QR Code Menus

Why Mom & Pop Restaurants Should Embrace QR Code Menus

Mom and pop restaurants are the beating heart of our communities. Their warm charm, delicious home-cooked meals, and personalized service create a unique dining experience that chain restaurants simply can’t replicate. But in the ever-evolving world of food service, even the most beloved local gems need to adapt to stay ahead of the curve. That’s […]

How Food Trucks are using QR Code Menus to scale

QR Code menu for food trucks

Food trucks are gastronomic nomads, bringing culinary adventures to the streets and tantalizing taste buds wherever they park. But navigating the competitive landscape of mobile kitchens isn’t just about delicious dishes; it’s also about efficiency and sustainability. In the digital age, tapless QR code menus are emerging as the secret sauce for food truck success, […]

QR Code Menus: A Practical Guide for Restaurant Owners

QR Code Menus: A Practical Guide for Restaurant Owners

QR code menus have become a staple across the restaurant industry. Scannable QR code menus allow guests to view the menu digitally on their own mobile device. For owners, QR menus provide convenience, customization options, and data insights. This article will demystify QR code menus. We’ll explain what they are, highlight benefits, and provide tips […]

Restaurant Apps Expected to Surge in 2023: Key Benefits for Owners

Online Ordering for restaurants. New restaurant owners, food trucks and small bakeries qr code menu ordering system. cheap

Restaurant Apps Expected to Surge in 2023: Key Benefits for Owners The restaurant industry is expected to see massive growth in mobile and online ordering in 2023. According to research firm Technomic, 87% of restaurant brands plan to expand their digital and mobile capabilities in the coming year. For restaurants, implementing online ordering and branded […]

Shocking Stat! 61% of Diners Demand Online Ordering: Survey Reveals Must-Haves for Restaurants

QR code ordering for new restaurants.

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed how restaurants operate. With restrictions on indoor dining and consumer fears about virus transmission, restaurants had to quickly pivot to takeout, delivery, and contactless ordering models. Now, as the world emerges from the pandemic, these updated service models are here to stay. Recent restaurant guest survey found that 61% of […]

Restaurant Owners Explain How Online Ordering Increased Profits by 20%

take out and delivery system for small restaurants.

Restaurant Owners Explain How Online Ordering Increased Profits by 20% The pandemic drastically accelerated the adoption of online ordering for restaurants. This digital shift is driving higher revenue and profits for savvy owners who leverage order ahead options. We spoke with successful restaurateurs about how online ordering has impacted their bottom line. Reduced Overhead Drives […]

Top 5 features restaurant owners need in 2023

small restaurant owner qr code menu builer

In the digital age, having a restaurant app is crucial for engaging customers and streamlining operations. But with hundreds of options on the market, how do you choose the right solution? We researched the top 50 restaurant apps and identified the key features that provide the most value for owners today. 1. Online Ordering Allowing […]

5 Ways QR Code Menus Can Save You Money

QR Code Menu Solution

The restaurant industry generates a massive amount of paper waste each year. From disposable napkins and coasters to menus and print ads, the numbers add up quickly. But now, more and more restaurants are going digital with QR code menus to reduce waste and costs. Here are five key benefits of switching from paper to […]